1978: FRAMES: STATEMENTS AND DRAWINGS BY AMERICAN FILM ANIMATORS. Published and Edited by George Griffin; 28 East 4th Street, New York, New York.
1981: ANIMATION FLIP BOOK COLLECTION. “Wipes” – one of a boxed set of six flip books published by George Griffin, Metropolis Graphics; 28 East 4th Street; New York, New York.
1988: EXPERIMENTAL ANIMATION: ORIGINS OF A NEW ART. A Book by Robert Russett and Cecile Starr. Revised Edition; published by Da Capo Press, Inc., 233 Spring Street, New York, New York, 1988.
1992: CARTOONS: LE CINEMA D’ANIMATION 1892-1992. A Book by Giannalberto Bendazzi. French Edition; published by Editions Liana Levi, 31 rue de L’Abbe Gregorie 75006, Paris, 1992. Glabicki: “Visionnaries et Avant-gardistes aux Etats-Unis,” pages 332-340.
1994: THE HISTORY OF ANIMATION. A Book by Charles Solomon. Second, revised/updated version of 1989 edition; published by Wings Books, Random House Value Publishing, Avenel, New Jersey by arrangement with Knopf, Inc., 1994; Glabicki: Chapter: “The Captain and the Kings Depart, 1960-1994,” pp. 267-330.
1994: CARTOONS: ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF CINEMA ANIMATION. A Book by Giannalberto Bendazzi. New/revised English edition; published by Indiana University Press and John Libbey & Company London, UK, 1994; Glabicki: Chapter 17, ‘The United States of America; Visionaries and Avant-garde Artists,” pp. 231-260.
1998: ART IN MOTION: ANIMATION AESTHETICS. A Book by Maureen Furniss. Published by John Libbey & Company Pty Ltd, Sidney, Australia, 1998; Glabicki: Chapter 3: “Alternatives in Animation Production, pp. 29-60; and Chapter 5: “General Concepts: Sound and Structural Design,” pp. 85-108.
2002: IL ETAIT UNE FOIS LE DESSIN ANIME. A book by Olivier Cotte; published by Dreamland Press Editeur; French language edition, Paris, France, 2002; Glabicki: Chapter 3: “Le Cinema d’Animationaux Etats-Unis: Experimentation Independante et Individualites,” pp. 45-144.
2003: ANIMATION UNLIMITED: INNOVATIVE SHORT FILMS SINCE 1940. A book by Liz Faber and Helen Walters; with companion DVD, published by Laurence King Publishing, London, United Kingdom; Glabicki: “Introduction,” pp. 6-9, and Chapter 1: “Form,” pp. 10-47.
2009: HYPERANIMATION: Digital Images and Virtual Worlds. A book by Robert Russett; published by John Libbey Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom; also distributed in the USA by Indiana University Press, and Australia by Elsevier Australia.
2015: ANIMATION: A WORLD HISTORY. A history in three volumes, by Giannalberto Bendazzi; Glabicki included in Volume 2: “The Birth of Style,” and Volume 3: “Contemporary Times;” English edition published by Focal Press, 2015.
1980: SYNTHETIC MOVEMENTS: NEW DIRECTIONS IN AMERICAN ANIMATED FILM. Catalogue essay written by exhibition Curator Barry Levine; published by the American Federation of the Arts Film Program; 41 East 65th Street, New York, New York.
1987: 1987 WHITNEY BIENNIAL CATALOGUE. “Film and Video,” essay by John Hanhardt; published by the Whitney Museum of American Art in association with Norton & Company, New York, London, 1987; pages 150, 153, 164, 200.
1991: MATTRESS FACTORY: INSTALLATION AND PERFORMANCE, 1982-1989. A Catalogue published by the Mattress Factory; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. “Paul Glabicki: The Diagram Trilogy and Early Works,” pages 79-82.
2001: INSTALLATIONS: THE MATTRESS FACTORY:1990/1999, decade overview of Mattress Factory exhibitions; catalogue with essays, edited by Claudia Giannini; published by the University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
2002: EXHIBITION PROGRAM: KINETICA 4. “The Sixties, Contemporary Program,” published by the Iota Center, Los Angeles, California.
2003: EXHIBITION CATALOGUE. “CINEMA: Bardo, de Jordan Belson et ses Contemporains,” published by the Centre Pompidou, Paris, June, 2003.
2008: EMILE COHL. Book and exhibition catalogue (French language edition); edited by Pascal Vimenet; Les Editions de l’Ceil, en coedition avec la Communaute de l’aggomeration d’Annecy, Musee-Annecy, Annecy France, June, 2008.
2014: SCHRIFTFILME: SCHRIFT ALS BILD IN BEWEGUNG. Written/edited by Bernd Scheffer, Christine Stenzer, Peter Weibel, and Soenke Zehle; German edition, pubished by Hatje Cantz, Germany.
2015: TYPEMOTION: Type as Image in Motion. Curators/editors: Christine Stenzer, Soenke Zehle, and Hsiao-Yu LIN; Chinese/English edition: published by the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Gallery 103-107, Gallery Street, Taiwan. English Edition: published by Hatje Cantz, Germany.
1987: IMAGE FORUM MAGAZINE OF FILM AND VIDEO CRITICISM. “An Interview With Paul Glabicki,” written and edited by Hiroyuki Ikeda; published by Daguerreo Press, Inc., Fudosan Kaikan Bldg., Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan; No. 86, September 1987, pages 7 – 15.
1989: IMAGE FORUM MAGAZINE OF FILM AND VIDEO CRITICISM. “Paul Glabicki: A Lecture at the Image Forum,” published by Daguerreo Press, Inc., Fudosan Kaikan Bldg., Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan; No. 112, August 1989, pages 16 – 25.
1989: VELVET LIGHT TRAP. “An Interview With Paul Glabicki,” written by Lilly Ann Boruszkowski; published by the University of Texas Press and the University of Wisconsin-Madison; Austin, Texas; No. 24, Fall 1989, pages 85 – 98.
1990: IDEA. “The Animated Film of Paul Glabicki,” text by Karen Nulf; published by Seibundo Shinkosha Publishing Company, Ltd., 1-5-5 Kanda Nishikicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101, Japan; Vol. 38, No. 218, January, 1990; pages 116-119.
1991: COMPUTER GRAPHICS WORLD. “Artistic Animation,” written by Renee LeWinter and Cynthia Baron; published by Penn Well Publishing Company; Vol. 14, No. 7, July 1991, pages 62-63.
2004: REALTIME. “Aural Colour, Visual Music,” an article/review by Danni Zuvela; published by Realtime, Sidney South 1235, NSW, Australia, December 04/January 05 issue.
2009: PITT MAGAZINE. “Drawing Life,” written by Cindy Gill; published by the University of Pittsburgh, Office of Public Affairs; Summer 2009, pages 26-30.
2013: CANYON CINEMAZINE. 50thAnniversary issue; Issue No. 1, Spring 2013, published by Canyon Cinema, Oakland, California.
2014: GALLERY GUIDE. The Monthly Guide to Leading Galleries and Museums, New York/Northeast; cover and story, pp.4,8-9; published by Louise Blouin Media, New York; January issue, 2014.
2009: THE VILLAGE VOICE. “Best in Show” recommendations and review by Robert Shuster: “The Data Storm: Paul Glabicki Accounting for…at Kim Foster Gallery;” April 8, 2009
2010: CHELSEA CLINTON NEWS. ArtWeek: “Marking Time,” a review of the exhibition “Drawings Continued” at Kim Foster Gallery, written by Joe Bendik, New York, February 25, 2010.
2014: NEW YORK ART EXAMINER. “Relativity Drawings by Paul Glabicki at Kim Foster Gallery,” written by Daniel Gauss; published online at www.examiner.com, January 23, 2014.
2014: ARTCRITICAL. “Hyper-Saturation of Sign and Signifier: Paul Glabicki’s Relativity,” written by David Brody; published online at www.artcritical.com, January 30, 2014.
2015: ARTE FUSE. “The Top Ten Art Gallery Shows of 2014,” written by Daniel Gauss; published online at http://artfuse.com/author/daniel-gauss, January 12, 2015.
2016: EDGE OF FRAME. “Paul Glabicki,” an interview by Annapurna Kumar, published at edgeofframe.co.uk, November 27, 2016.
2017: WALL STREET INTERNATIONAL. “TOPOGRAPHY: Interview with Paul Glabicki;” written by Daniel Gauss; https//wsimag.com/art/24117-topography; Part 1: March 9, 2017, Part 2: March 24, 2017.

66″ X 90″ (1996)

“BIENNIAL 1987” catalogue published by The Whitney Museum of Contemporary Art, 1987

“TICK TOCK Time in Contemporary Art” published by the Lehman College Art Gallery, Bronx, New York, 2018